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LE Saints

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What is a missionary?
A person who goes to another country to tell people about Jesus.
Who was a good friend to Jesus and walked on water?
St. Peter
Where do saints go when they die?
They go to heaven.
What do we celebrate on November 1?
We celebrate All Saints Day.
In some pictures, what do saints have on their heads?
a halo
Are all saints famous?
No, they aren't.
Who can become a saint?
Anyone who loves Jesus.
This saint persecuted many Christians before he became a Christian.
St. Paul
This saint followed the "Little Way".
St. Therese of Liseaux
This saint wanted all religious leaders to work together peacefully.
St. John Paul II
This saint helped many people in India.
St. Theresa of Calcutta (Mother Theresa)
This saint was a friend of St. Francis and also wanted to be poor.
St. Clare of Assisi
This saint wanted to be poor and loved animals.
St. Francis of Assisi
This saint dressed up like a boy to be a soldier.
St. Joan of Arc
This saint gave gifts to children.
St. Nicholas
Who was St. Patrick's friend in Ireland?
St. Brigid
Who got rid of all the snakes in Ireland?
St. Patrick
Who told Mary she would have a baby?
St. Gabriel
Who is Jesus' dad? (Mary's husband)
St. Joseph
Who is Jesus' mother?
Saint Mary