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THE TRAP (SB4 - PAGES 98/99)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The police officer took them to the ______.
Police station.
The police officer was _______ friend.
Whose plan was it?
It was grandpa's plan.
Who wrote the note and the poem to trick Horax and Zelda?
The kids.
Horax and Zelda were listening to Lucy's phone call. Is it TRUE or FALSE?
It's FALSE. It was Ben's phone call.
The kids played a trick on horax and Zelda. Is it TRUE or FALSE?
It's TRUE.
What do Horax and Zelda want to find?
They want to find the treasure.
Where did Horax and Zelda get into?
They got into the rocket.
Who reads the poem on the map?
It's Zelda.
Ben invited Lucy for a...