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adjective clauses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A student whose in my class is from Russia
don´t confuse WHOSE (possessive form) with WHO´S (who is)
TUrn into FORMAL: I saw the movie that Gaby acted in.
I saw the movie in which Gaby acted.
Make into INFORMAL: I saw the man you are interested in.
I saw the man in whom you are interested.
FORMAL or INFORMAL? He found a group he is interested in.
Informal (FORMAL: He found a group IN WHICH he is interested)
FORMAL or INFORMAL? I´ve never met the person about whom you are talking.
She moved to Argentina, that she found a good job.
WHERE she found a good job. (Use WHERE to mean "in a place")
who has a few good friends is lucky.
A person WHO has .... (you need a noun before a relative clause)
I have a friend who live in Madrid.
subject verb agreement
There are a lot of interesting parties that I found them
omit "them"(because the relative pronoun THAT is already the object)
Gaby, her father was an actor, hopes to find work in movies.
Gaby, whose father...
She started a group now has 100 members.
that now has...
I have many friends which go to parties
who go...
The states what are losing the most population are the cold ones.
that are losing...