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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Next Christmas, Mickey and Pluto ... (decorate) the house. They do it every year!
are going to decorate
I... (give) you my meatball
will give
Is it an instant decision or a plan? "It's Halloween next week. I'm going to dress up as a witch"
Is it an instant decision or a plan? "We are going to have the final exam next week"
Is it an instant decision or a plan? "I'm going to organize a party for my birthday next month"
Is it an instant decision or a plan? "I'm bored. I think I'll go to the park"
Instant decision
It's sunny. You ... (not need) an umbrella.
won't need
It's snowing! I ... (not go) oustide.
won't go
Hurry! The train ... (not wait) for you
won't wait
She took a selfie and dediced she ... (send) it to her boyfriend
will send
Mark is at the supermarket. He ... (buy) milk
is going to buy
We ... (move) to a new house in a couple of days
are going to move
My dog ... (be) 2 years old next year
is going to be
I promise I ... (bring) you a gift from Paris
will bring
- I don't have my phone / - Don't worry I ... (lend) you mine.
will lend
Look at the sky!! It ... (start) raining soon
is going to start
What can I do to make my friend happy? I know!! I ... (take) her to the cinema
will take
I miss my mum. I ... (call) her now.
will call
My friends and I planned our holliday. We ... (travel) to the Caribbean.
are going to travel
There's nothing interesting to watch, I ... (read) a book
will read
I want to visit Portugal next year so I decided I ... (learn) portuguese
am going to learn