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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This allow your body to recover from the stress and strain of physical work.
proper rest
Give one example of proper hygiene.
hand washing, taking a bath, brushing of teeth
This essential of the human body serve as a protection to your skin from the weather.
Give one essential of the human body.
food, water, shelter, clothes
The Body-regulating foods are also know as _____.
Glow foods
Give 1 example of body building foods?
milk, fish, meat, cheese
The Energy-giving foods are also know as _____.
Go foods
What are the sense organ for smelling?
What are the sense organ for feeling or touching?
What are the sense organ for seeing?
What are the sense organ for tasting?
What is the sense organ for hearing?
What can you find in the trunk? give 1 part only.
chest, shoulder, abdomen, lungs and heart
What are the two type of limbs?
upper limbs and lower limbs
You can found ears in what part?
What are the three main parts of the human body?
head, limbs, and trunk
Books must kept and arranged properly in the bookshelves. TRUE or FALSE
Do not attempt to climb the bookshelf. TRUE or FALSE
Play with sharp objects at home. TRUE or FALSE
Keep your toys properly. TRUE or FALSE