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Our World 4 Unit 1 revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Compare you and your best friend (2 sentences)
eg. I am taller than my friend but he is slimmer. We both have blue eyes. I have curly hair and my friend has straight hair
Compare you and your best friend (2 sentences)
eg. I am taller than my friend but he is slimmer. We both have blue eyes. I have curly hair and my friend has straight hair
Which pet is cuter: dog or cat?
Which pet is cleverer: cat or dog?
Who is fatter?
John is fatter than Alex
Who is shorter?
John is shorter than Alex
Who is taller?
Alex is taller than John
What are you doing after lunch?
After lunch I am + -ing ....
What are you doing after this lesson
After this lesson I am + -ing ....
What are you doing after this lesson
After this lesson I am + -ing ....
What are you doing on Sunday?
On Sunday I am + -ing ....
What are you doing on Saturday?
On Saturday I am + -ing ....
Describe your friend's hair
short/long/medium, blonde/brown/black/red and straight/wavy/curly
Describe your hair
short/long/medium, blonde/brown/black/red and straight/wavy/curly
Who wears glasses in the group?
What is this?