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Form 2 First Term Test review TKP

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dim sum is a _________ food that comes from Hong Kong and southern China. It's a very special type of food.
There are much types of fish at the aquarium at Ocean Park. Which word is wrong?
many not much
Last summer, I do not go to Canada. Which word is wrong?
You should been more careful when crossing the street. Make sure you cross when the light is green. Which word is wrong?
be not been
On the weekend, the ______ (early) I get up is 10:00 am.
Greg is ______ at playing the piano and the violin. He has won many competitions.
I was waiting for the bus before I ______ (realize) I forgot my wallet.
I ___ ____ (take) a cheese board to the party on Friday.
am taking/will take
Where is Jane right now? She ___ ____ (pay) for her lunch.
is paying
You can go to Sephora or Sasa to buy ___________ such as eye shadow or lipstick.
Bob showed a lot of ______ today because he got all his homework left before he left school.
My mother gives me $500 _______ _______ every two weeks.
pocket money
It is _____ to spend time with your grandparents because they share stories about their younger lives.
Bill always _____ (try) very hard at all his school work.
I _____ (watch) television this weekend and I can't wait.
will watch
What _____ you _____(do) for the Christmas holiday this year?
are (you) doing/will (you) do
Do you think BTS is ______ (famous) than Mirror?
more famous
I am the ______ (happy) when I am at school. I love learning.
Mr. Nip gets ________ (angry) than Ms. Sit when we don't do our homework.
There hasn't any classes on Sunday because it's a school holiday. Which word is wrong?
_______ ________ any summer clothes in my closet because they are packed away for the winter.
There aren't
McDonald's is a good place to eat for teens because ____ _____ a cheap menu.
it has
_____ ______ a new spaghetti dish at Pizza Hut that I'd like to try.
There is
The rose is the _________ (pretty) of all the flowers.
An Apple watch is __________ (expensive) than an apple.
more expensive
You can go to an ______________ shop to buy a washing machine or a microwave.
You would buy a necklace or earrings at a ______________ shop.
If you can't find a shop at a shopping centre, you can look at the _____ ______.
store directory or information desk
I need to go to the _____________ shop to get some pens and paper.
My mother likes to go shopping at the fancy ________ in Central.