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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In contrast, By constrat and On the contrary are interchangebly used (True, False or I dont know)
Phrasal verbs are by all means prohibited (True or False)
False. Informal phrasal verbs are not encouraged.
Contractions (e.g: don't, can't) are not encouraged (True or False)
You can include numbers in an overview (True or False)
If you write less than 150 words for Task 1, your score might be low (True or False)
You should write 4 parapgraphs in Task 1, including INTRODUCTION, OVERVIEW, BODY AND CONCLUSION. (True or False)
False. There are 4 parapgraphs : INTRO, OVERVIEW, BODY1 AND BODY 2
3 verbs which mean "become smaller in size, number"
decrease, fall, decline, dip, drop, go down
What needs to be corrected in the sentence : There is a dramatical increase in the number of students going abroad.
dramatical -> dramatic
Among the 4 options, which is best described for the point in this picture? (peak of ? peak at ? or top up ? or top with ? ) . P/s: peak and top are verbs
peak at
The red line shows that the figures ...........
stay/remain the same, remain stable, remain steady, remain unchanged,
3 verbs which mean "become bigger in size, number"
increase, go up, rise, grow, climb