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The fall of the Inca empire

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why couldn't people in South America fight the new disease?
Because they were not immune to it.
Where is Machu Picchu located?
In Peru
How many people did Pizarro bring with him?
100 foot soldiers and 67 horsemen
Why did a civil war break out?
Because of the death of the emperor
Why did they want to conquer the newland they found?
Because it was full of gold of riches
Who invaded and defeated the Inca empire?
What made the empire weaker?
When a war broke out
Why did most Inca's population die?
Because of the smallpox
What were the Incas trying to find?
a shortcut to India
"a group of people ruled over by a sovereign"
"complete disorder and confusion"
"to win against someone in a war"
to defeat
"a contagious viral disease"
"a quick and short path"