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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I didn’t pay for our coffees because I haven’t got any money with me. If I had some money with me,............
If I had some money with me, I would have paid for our coffees.
He didn’t apologise, so I’m angry. I wouldn’t be angry if.............
I wouldn’t be angry if he had apologised.
I haven’t got my own room because my parents didn’t buy a big house. If my parents had bought a big house, .........
If my parents had bought a big house, I would have my own room.
Heidi speaks German because she went to a German school. If Heidi hadn’t gone to a German school, .........
If Heidi hadn’t gone to a German school, she wouldn't speak German.
My parents refused to go to the rally. I couldn’t get.............
I couldn’t get my parents to go to the rally.
The teacher made us re-sit the exam. We were made...............
We were made to re-sit the exam.
A professional photographer took the photos. They had a professional photographer .............
They had a professional photographer take the photos.
That article made me think about changing my diet. That article had..........
That article had me thinking about changing my diet.
They’re printing the flyers this afternoon. We’re getting ................
We’re getting the flyers printed this afternoon.
It would be better if the speakers had microphones. I'd prefer.............
I’d prefer the speakers to have microphones.