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(Cam.Flyers) Lesson 68 - Warm up game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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17. When I can’t remember / mind a word, I fi nd it in the dictionary.
16. We called / climbed up the hill to fi nd the lost sheep.
15. When I tell / talk my friend a secret, she listens really carefully
14. We use our noses / necks to smell different fl owers.
13. When I didn’t know an answer, I guessed / pulled it.
12. We use our mouths / toes when we need to speak.
11. When most people cry / carry, they look really sad.
10. We described / decided the game but our friends didn’t know it.
9. When you want to talk quietly, you shout / whisper.
8. You put your things into this and carry it to the airport
a suitcase
7. This person buys a ticket to travel on a bus or plane.
a passenger
6. You can call people with this and talk to them
a phone
5. People wear these on their hands in cold weather
4. You read this to fi nd out information about the world.
a newspaper
3. When you have a shower, you use this to dry yourself.
a towel
2. This can have stars or stripes on it. It moves in the wind.
a flag
1. This is hair that grows on a man’s face.
a beard