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Unit 2- Changing Earth's Syrface

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: The Grand Canyon continues to change.
True or False: The Grand Canyon is so big, it can be seen from space.
True or False: Tectonic Plates drift on top of the earth's mantle.
True or False: Transform boundaries cause earthquakes.
True or False: Erosion only happens quickly.
False: Erosion happens both quickly and very, very slowly.
True or False, The Mississippi rive helped to form the Grand Canyon.
False; it was the Colorado River.
True or False, Ocean animal fossils can be found in the rocks of the Grand Canyon.
True or false, the Grand Canyon was once covered with ocean?
What is weathering?
The breakdown of rock into smaller pieces.
What is a transform boundary?
It's a boundary when two plates slide past each other in parallel, grinding against each other
What are tectonic plates?
Drifting slabs or rock that drift and make up the earth's surface.
What is sediment?
A collection of particles made up of plants, minerals, rocks, and animals.
What is the rock cycle
The processes that form, break down, and reform rocks
What is a fossil?
The ancient remains of plants or animals, or the impressions of ancient plants and animals or their activities.
What is erosion?
When rocks and sediment are transported (moved) from one plate to another by wind, water, or gravity
What is a Divergent Boundary?
When two tectonic plates move away from each other.
What is a Convergent Boundary?
A plate boundary when two plates move toward each other