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I have lakes with no water, mountains with no stone and cities with no buildings. What am I?
what has words but cannot speak?
Petra is a famous landmark. in which country?
Geita grotto (cave) is a famous landmark in which country?
Oliver's mom has 4 children: Sam, Kate, Farah,... what is the name of her fourth child?
king Fahd foutain is a famous landmark in which country?
Saudi Arabia
Burj khalifa is a famous landmark in which country?
what is the largest continent on Earth?
I draw maps. Who am I?
I am a land surrounded by water from all sides. what am I?
How many oceans do we have on Earth?
5 oceans
I am a low land between two mountains. what am I?
I am the longest river in Africa. I pass by Egypt and Sudan. what am I?
Nile river
What is the capital city of Saudi Arabia?
I can show you the directions. What am I?
compass rose
I have low trees, I am the land of lions and elephants . what am I?
I have dry cold and windy climate. Mosses and lichen can grow on my land. what am I?
what is the meaning of the word: CRESCENT?
the quarter of the moon
How many continents do we have on Earth?
7 continents
what are the two main rivers in the fertile crescent?
Tigris and Euphrates