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Perspective: What are they thinking?

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Ash made Piakchu some sushi and he is worried he won't like it. What is Pikachu thinking to himself?
This is delicious!
Yuck! This is gross.
It tastes OK. I could only eat a bite.
Jerrod usually rides the bus, but he has a dentist appointment today so his mom is picking him up. School was out 30 minutes ago and he is still waiting. What is Jarrod thinking to himself?
I hope everything is OK. I hope my mom didn't forget me.
Man! My class was tough today, but I think I did OK.
My mom probably just got busy. No big deal, I'll just relax
Jerry has never ice skated before and Tom is having a birthday at an ice rink. He was sure he would not be able to skate and that he would fall. Here he is skating. What is Jerry thinking to himself?
Oh my goodness, I did it! I'm skating!
I'm so bored. I wonder when this will be over.
I knew this was going to be easy.
Nancy always wanted a cat, but her mom is allergic so she cannot have one. On her birthday she opens her gift and a kitten jumps out of the box. What is Nancy thinking to herself?
I can't believe it! A cat! I love it!
Oh! A cat. I really wish I had an Xbox instead.
Yay! a cat. Now I wonder where the cake is.
Bonnie told a joke to Sarah. Bonnie though it was funny but Sarah only gave a slight smile and didn't laugh. What is Bonnie thinking to herself?
I guess my joke was not as funny as I thought.
She found it funny, she just doesn't want to laugh.
I knew she would think it was funny.
Cole's teacher promised him that he could show everyone his painting at the end of class. He was super excited and worked really hard. At the end of class the teacher did not call on him to share. What is Cole thinking to himself?
Oh no! I really wanted to share my painting. I feel sad.
No big deal. I didn't really want to show my painting.
Phew. I'm so glad I didn't get called on.
David is riding a bike with his sister, but would rather be playing video games. They ride home and his sister says, "Let's ride around the neighborhood". What is David thinking to himself?
Oh no! Not again. I really want to be done.
Great! That's what I wanted to do.
There's nothing else I'd rather be doing right now.
Today is Tyler's birthday and his friend Tommy's birthday. At school everyone says "Happy Birthday" to Tommy, but not to Tyler. At the end of the day Tommy walks up to Tyler and says "Happy Birthday". What is Tyler thinking to himself?
Oh wow! Tommy is so nice!
I really like Tommy's hair
I wish more people said happy birthday to me.
Mary and Greyson are watching a movie. Mary loves the movie but Greyson keeps talking over the movie to ask questions. So far he has asked 25 questions. What is Mary thinking to herself right now?
I wish he would stop asking stuff. He's ruining the movie.
Those are really good questions
I need to think of some questions too.
Alex is working on counting money and Sean doesn't know how much it is. He looks at what Alex writes and writes the same thing down and Alex notices. What is Alex thinking to himself right now?
I can't believe Sean is trying to copy my work. How rude!
I bet Sean wants to help me with my work.
I should move my paper closer so Sean can see better.
David really wants to watch Sponge Bob on You Tube with his dad. His dad is about to click on Sponge Bob when Todd runs into the room and begs for a Pokemon video. His dad says OK and clicks on Pokemon. What is David thinking to himself?
Oh man, that's so unfair. I wanted to watch Sponge Bob.
Oh cool! Pokemon is such a cool show. I love it!
Todd's older so its fair that he gets to watch what he wants
Alissa is typing her personal information and every time she makes a mistake her sister Marie laughs out loud. What is Alyssa thinking to herself right now?
Ugh! She needs to stop. She is being annoying and rude.
Spelling mistakes are so funny!
I wish I could spell as good as Marie. She is really smart.
Trevor is trying to log onto a game on his favorite website. The website was updated and the login changed. He was beginning to feel frustrated when Devon helped him log in. What is Trevor thinking to himself now?
Thank goodness he helped me. I feel happy now.
I like Devon's yellow sweater.
Devon is such a know-it-all. I don't need his help.
Rebecca has been playing a video game for for 40 minutes. Her mom told her to share, but Dillan has been waiting patiently for his turn. Rebecca has not said anything to Dillon and is not stopping. What is Dillon thinking?
How much longer is she going to be. She is being selfish
She's so good at this game. I hope she wins
She's going to give me a turn any minute