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This is the flag of ...
Name three words in English that we use in Brazil.
Air bag, Delivery. Design, Download, Drive-thru, e-mail, Fake. Fashion. Fast food, Feedback, Hacker, haters
What is the official currency of the United States?
The Statue of Liberty is a tourist spot from which place?
The Statue of Liberty is a New York City Monument
Which TV series, which is very popular in Brazil, tells the life story of a comedian?
Everybody Hates Chris
What is the capital of the United States?
It's Washington, D.C.
What is the capital of England?
It's London.
Which author are Romeo and Juliet's characters?
William Shakespeare
Name three typical American celebrations.
Halloween, Valentine's Day in Christmas.
All countries in Europe speak English. True or False
The word "push" means "puxar".
False. Means Empurrar.
Which country has French and English as its official language?
What are the countries of North America? Do they all have English as their official language?
North America is made up of three countries, the United States, Canada and Mexico
What does the word "EGGPLANT" mean?
The British have a famous custom, which is called "5 pm..." What is this custom?
Drink tea
Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character from literature...
What is typical American food? A- Apple Pie/ B- Fish and Chips
Apple Pie
Which country does this flag belong to?
What is the most popular sport in England?
What is celebrated on the 4th of July in the United States?
United States Declaration of Independence
How many countries speak the English language officially? Name five.
U.S, Canada, England, Scotland, Welsh, Ireland, Jamaica, Australia, New Zealand, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Grenade, Guyana, Trinidad