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The Rock Cycle Review

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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if I find a rock that is smooth and glassy with sharp edges, what type of rock is it?
if I find a rock that is light-colored, breaks easily, and/or contains fossils, what type of rock is it?
what causes a rock to turn into an igneous rock?
rocks melt, become magma/lava, and then the magma/lava cools
what causes a rock to turn into a sedimentary rock?
weathering, erosion, deposition, compaction, cementation
what causes a rock to turn into a metamorphic rock?
heat and pressure
what is the process that hardens sediment particles
what is the process that presses together sediment particles
what is the difference between compaction and cementation?
compaction squeezes the particles together, and cementation hardens them
what three processes are responsible for sedimentary rocks?
weathering, erosion, and deposition
what is sediment?
small particles of rock, soil, sand, shells, etc.
what two processes form metamorphic rock?
heat and pressure
what are the two types of igneous rock?
intrusive and extrusive
this type of igneous rock forms on the earth surface/volcano
this type of igneous rock forms inside the earth surface/volcano
igneous comes from the Latin word "ignis," which means _______
the process where particles of rock and soil pile up
Rocks are made from a mixture of _________________
What does metamorphic mean?
going through a change
What is the difference between magma and lava?
magma formed below ground, lava is above ground
igneous rocks form near__________________
what type of rock are marble, quartz, and slate?
what type of rock are sandstone and limestone?
What type of rock are granite, basalt, and pumice?
the process where wind and rain move rocks
the process where windand rain break down rocks
rocks formed when the lava from volcanoes cools down
the process where rocks change from 1 form of another
rock cycle
rocks formed from weathering, erosion, and deposition
rocks formed from extreme heat and pressure
3 main types of rocks
igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic