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AEIU 3- U2 revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Chloe was very _____________ when she heard about the awful incident.
It took us a long time to ________________ through the crowded streets in Delhi.
reach our destination
overcome all the obstacles
on our way
make pottery
Tomorrow I'm ___________ on my first trip to Paris.
setting off
running out of
looking after
But I was going __________, so I was a little worried I would feel lonely.
on my own
by my own
by myself
on myself
Last year, I went to London. I had always wanted to go, so this was ________________.
a dream come true
made my way
on the way
COMPLETE - After we ____________ all our equipment, we set off on our journey (get).
had got
COMPLETE - They ________________yet, so they were very hungry.
had not eaten
COMPLETE - Carla___________in a play before, so she was a little nervous.
had not acted
COMPLETE- As soon as we ________________our destination, we went to have a meal. (reach)
had reached
COMPLETE - When you arrived, ____________ the play already_______________? (begin)
had the play already begun
REPHRASING (< 3 WORDS) - S1: They bought the tickets a few moments ago. S2: They________________ the tickets.
have just bought
REPHRASING (< 3 WORDS) - S1: HeatWave started singing when he was very young. S2: HeatWave _____________since he was very young.
has been singing
REPHRASING (< 3 WORDS) - S1: I don't know a more generous person than Tom. S2: Tom is___________person I know.
the most generous
REPHRASING (< 3 WORDS) - S1: They have recorded an album in English for the first time. S2: They have____________ an album in English before.
never recorded
REPHRASING (< 3 WORDS) - S1: During dinner, I listened to the radio. S2: I listened to the radio while I ___________ dinner.
was having