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Kumak's Fish Vocabulary Game

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sangyeon did __ during the performance; he kept dancing even though his hat fell off and the sword didn't light up.
Drake is saving up __ to move to Los Angeles and get a job after graduating college.
Not everyone likes studying; some students only have __ during P.E., art, or music class.
The customers complained that the food provided by the airline was too little and not __, so they should get their money back.
The convenience store near the campground sells some basic camping __ in case people have forgotten some things.
Jessie had to tell her baby cousin not to __ the puppy's tail, because babies don't know better.
Most people's Instagrams make it look like they have a __ life, but it's because most people only post their best times.
The cafe was __; there were almost no people, the drinks were hot and delicious, and even the music was lovely and calming.
Paul was afraid to go to the dentist because today, the dentist would __ out his tooth.
If your muscles are tired, sometimes they will __ on their own and you can't stop it.
Maya looked out the window at the doves flying over the __ tree.
Vincent packed his hockey __ into the back of his mom's car to get ready to go to the tournament.
One week ago I was wearing shorts, but this week is freezing and I'm wearing my heaviest winter __.
The audience applauded the magician with __ after he turned water into bubble tea.
Kimberly worried that her new room at college would be small and uncomfortable, but the size turned out to be __.
Megan acted __ at recess by running fast to get a teacher when another student got badly hurt.
We're going to have two __ next week for the school play, but you only need to do costumes and makeup for the second one.
Claudio gathered his mother, brother, and sisters together at dinner to make the __ that he was getting married.
Francine and her friends play card games and ride their bikes together for __.
Dong Hyuk is going to work for a couple years after graduating high school to save __ to go to college.
Boots Cafe and a new wine brand __ to open a special pop-up cafe.
Many consumers don't look closely at specs, and choose the popular smartphone that they think has the prettiest __.
The robotics team met to __ ideas for what to build for the upcoming competition.