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comparative and superlative adverbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Peter and Mike are the fastest swimmers in the class. Mike swims as ----------- as Peter.
I watch Netflix ---------------- (often) than I watch normal TV.
more often
We all finished our breakfast quickly. I finished my breakfast as ----------- as my sister.
My sister arrived home late but my brother arrived home later. My sister didn't arrive home as -------- as my brother.
My cousin is the best piano player in my college. Nobody plays it as ------------ as him.
You speak English really good/well.
Mila does her homework carefully/more carefully than I do.
more carefully
I can't hear you. You're speaking too quiet/ quietly.
too quietly
Nobody did well in their English exam, but I did badly/worst of all.
Chris runs more quickly/quickly than Sam.
More quickly
Toni plays basketball the best/better of all the players on our team.
The best
Mrs Black speaks too quickly/more quickly than the other teachers.
More quickly
Finish the sequence: Carefully, --------------- , -----------------------------
More carefully, The most carefully
Finish the sequence: Quickly, --------------------, ------------------------
More quickly, The most quickly
Finish the sequence: Hard, ----------------- , ----------------------
harder , The hardest
Finish the sequence: fast, ------------- , --------------
faster , The fastest
finish the sequence: good, well, better -----------
The best