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Amal Unbound - chapter 21 to 30
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Is easy for Amal to go back home? What did she learn?
No, she is owing more money all the time
Why Jawad cannot get a wife?
Because of his temper
Why is Amal doubtful about taking books from the library?
Nabila can trick her again
What do the servants offer Amal to do?
Help her get books from the library
Why was Amal angry with the police officers?
They had muddy shoes
Who came to the house looking for Jawad?
Police officers
Amal stayed in her room after Jawad hit her. Who went to visit her and why?
Fatima for food, Mumtaz and Nabila to say sorry.
What did Amal realize when she came back from the market?
Nabila was playing with her again.
When she came back Jawad slapped her. Why?
He thought she was running away.
What did Amal find when she went to the market?
It was closed
What did Nabila tell Amal she could do in her free time?
Go to the market
What did Amal find in the garden? Who was with it?
A cat, Nabila
What did Jawad do when he met Amal in the library?
What happened when Amal went to leave the book in the library?
She met Jawad.
Why was Amal uncomfortable with Nasreen's friends?
They treat her as an object
What were Nasreen Baji and her friends talking about?
A bride for Jawad and a literacy center
Which was the first book Amal took from the library?
A poetry book
What did Amal find in the house?
A library