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Subject and Object Questions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Teacher Cecilia took a long siesta. (subject question)
[Who took a long siesta?]
The shark ate the fish's entire family. (object question).
[What did the shark eat?]
The shark ate the fish's entire family. (subject question).
[Who ate the fish's entire family?]
William has visited Spain (subject question).
[ Who has visited Spain? ]
The caterpillar became a butterfly (subject question).
[ What became a butterfly? ]
The teacher is living in Istanbul (object question).
[ Where is the teacher living? ]
The teenagers enjoyed the party (subject question).
[ Who enjoyed the party? ]
20) The car is in the garage (object question).
[ Where is the car? ]
The teenagers enjoyed the party (object question).
[ What did the teenagers enjoy? ]
William has visited Spain (object question).
[ Where has William visited? ]
The caterpillar became a butterfly (object question).
[ What did the caterpillar become? ]
David has lost his wallet (subject question).
[ Who has lost his wallet? ]
Julie love ice cream (subject question).
[ Who loves ice cream? ]
The student is from Colombia (object question).
[ Who is from Colombia? ]
The food was on the table (subject question).
[ What was on the table? ]
Julie loves ice cream (object question).
[ What does Julie love? ]
The car is in the garage (subject question).
[ What is in the garage? ]