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Les Articles Définis and Indéfinis

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Les or Des: They have the erasers.
Les: Ils ont les gommes.
Les or Des: I have some pencils.
Des: J'ai des crayons.
Feminine or Masculin: ordinateur
Masculin: L'ordinateur / Un ordinateur
"Une" is indéfinis feminine, just like _____ is définis for feminine
"Le" is définis masculin, just like _____ is indéfinis for masculin
If you see nf next to a word, it means it is __________.
nf / feminine
If you see nm next to a word, it means it is __________.
masculin / nm
Masculine or Feminine: _____ musique
Feminine: La musique
Masculin or Feminine: _____ violon
Masculin: Le violon / Un violon
Masculin or Feminine: _____ rectangle
Masculin: Le rectangle / Un rectangle
Masculin or Feminine: _____ gomme
Feminine: La gomme / Une gomme
What does "des" mean in english?
What does "un/une" mean in english?
What does "Le, La, L' & Les" mean in english?
Définis OR Indéfinis: un, une, des
Définis OR Indéfinis: Le, La, L', Les