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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sunonym of walk by
go past
The CEO is __ ___________ __ the whole company (responsible)
(be) in charge of
Person who manages the production of goods
operations director
IT stands for______________
Information Technology
The Head of IT _______________ the company's computers
looks after
Person who manages the company's money
financial director
Other expression to say "you're welcome"
my pleasure / no worries
phrasal verb to give a little tour in the office and indicate the important rooms or offices
show around
After "Dear Ms. Patterson" you need to use
a comma
Formal closing of a letter when you do know to whom it is addressed
yours sincerely
Formal closing of a letter when you don't know to whom it is addressed
Yours faithfully
Important meetings usually take place at the ___________ ________
conference room
if the printer is running out of paper, you find more in the ________________
Part of a building where the reception desk is usually placed
You call the __________ department if you need to fix something
If you succeed in a job interview, you usually get ______
Floor where you get into a building
ground floor
Place where you can drink a delicious tea
café / cafeteria
The fotocopier or the fax-machine are some ___________ that you can use in an office.
In the HR department you need to _____________ (help) the Personnel Manager
dirigir (v.) jefe (n.)
gerente / director de personal
Personnel Manager
After being a JUNIOR in a position, you work as a ...
RR.HH. acronym in English
HR (Human Resources)
CEO stands for...
Chief Executive Officer