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This books teaches people many life lessons. The characters are animals such as turtles and rabbits.
You laugh a lot when you read this kind of book.
This book is very long and need lots of time to read.
This book is about journeys to the far and exciting lands.
You can read about scary things such as zombies and spirits in this book.
Ghost/Horror story
This book is about modern technology such as robots and spaceship.
Science fiction
You can know more about real famous people in this book.
A book writes about castles, princes, princesses and fairies.
Fairy tale
A book has pictures and different cartoon characters. Young children really love reading this book.
What kind of book is it?
A book is about true things and facts. It can help you have more information about the world.
A book comes from the author's imagination. Everything can happen in it such as a flying car, a dancing cat.