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AP Social Sciences

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Instead of cutting someone to let out the blood they also used these parasitic worms.
Bloodletting, purging and _______ all shared a belief in Galen's concept of the humors.
Puking/ vomiting
Galen's medical practice focused on the four humor fluids which were yellow bile, black bile, phlegm and ____________.
Lazar Houses were established to take care of people with what disease?
What occupied an important place in the teachings of the medieval church?
Baghdad was known for its "himaristan." What is that in English?
Hospital or house for the sick
What city in the Middle East became a global center for medical texts translated into Arabic?
Roman doctors or "medici" were actually . . .
Slaves or ex slaves
Who was the Greek living during Roman times who was an expert on Hippocrates?
Name one of the great philosophers of the Greek Enlightenment period.
Aristotle or Plato
Western tradition of healthcare is traced to the _____________.
The Greek Poet Homer's text the ____________________ gives descriptions of medical treatment of battle wounds.
Using needles to apply pressure to specific energy points in the body is called what?
Traditional Chinese medicine, still used today, developed around 1800's. True or False
False, 2,000 BC
The Indian system of medical knowledge is called ______________?
Early Mesopotamian texts record their ____________________ of diesease.
Observations/ Notes
Growth in __________________ increased the number of diseases spread among humans.
Trade/ Travel
What began to occur with more regularity when humans and domesticated animals increasingly came into contact with one another?`
As the Stone Age came to an end nomadic hunter-gatherers gradually turned to what lifestyle?
Paleolithic or early Stone Age people were hunter-gatherers. True or False