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Apologia advanced Biology module 3

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What are the three layers of hair?
cortex, the medulla and the cuticle
What is the term that means making blood cells?
Hemat:blood, poiesis:to make
Where is the mastoid process and what is it?
prominence of the temporal bone behind the ear, to which neck muscles are attached
What is the difference between a meatus and a foramen?
A meatus is a passageway.”external auditory meatus” and a foramen is a hole in a bone where nerves and muscles pass through.” Foramen magnum”
Where will you find living cells in the epidermis?
Stratum basale, the bottom layer, and stratum spinosum, the next layer.
In long bones, what is the hollow cavity called and what will you find there?.
Medullary cavity, and you find yellow bone marrow which produce cartilage, fat and bone. Yellow bone marrow also aids in the storage of fats
What defines short bones? Give an example.
Bones that are about as long as they are wide. Tarsals, carpals
What defines a long bone, and give an example.
Longer than they are wide. Femur, fibula, metatarsals
Compare and contrast sweat glands and sebaceous glands.
Sebaceous-holocrine,secrete oil, protects and softens skin. Sweat-merocrine gland, secrete sweat, to cool
Compare and contrast the dermis and the epidermis.
They are layers of the skin. Epidermis is the outside layer made of epithelial cells, keratinized. Dermis-deeper, dense irregular connective tissue.
label a, h, i, j, f
a: frontal bone, h: parietal, i: temporal, j: occipital, f: maxilla
identify the region y and w
y pectoral girdle, w pelvic girdle
identify n, o, p, q
n: femur, o: patella, p: tibia, q: fibula
identify a, b, c, d, e
a: sternum, b: rib, c costal cartilage, d: humerous e: sacrum
label the parts of the spine. t, u, v
t: cervical vertebrae, u: thoracic vertebrae, lumbar vertebrae
name the bones in the head a, c, d, e, g.
a)Frontal, c)lacrimal, d)zygomatic, e)vomer, g)mandible
In the skull, how many are there of each of these bones? Temporal, ethmoid, occipital and sphenoid.
Temporal-2 (side of head) ethmoid-1 (b) Occipital-1 (back of head) sphenoid-1(inside)
What is the difference between cancellous and compact bone?
Compact bone is made up of dense bone matrix organized into tubules called osteons.
What kind of bone is the patella?
Where is bone marrow found and what does it do?
In the cancelous bone of the long bones. Erythropoiesis formation of red blood cells and platelets
name the cell layers of the skin in order from deepest to most superficial.
Stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidium, stratum corneum
describe stratum corenum
most superficial, 25-30 layers thick, these cells slough off, dead cells, no nucleus
Describe stratum lucidium.
primarily only found in think skin (palms of hands and soles of feet)
Describe stratum granulosum
here cells begin to die, these cells produce large amounts of keratin
describe stratum spinosum
several cells thick, also undergoes mitosis, melanocytes reside here
describe Stratum basale
once cell thick,, cells under go mitosis continually
Name a benefit and a curse of sebaceous glands.
Help skin maintain moisture and acne
What is the sweat gland and duct, and what is the sebaceous gland?
Sweat gland h, sweat gland duct i, sebaceous gland k b is the pore for the duct of the sweat gland.
What are c, d,and e ?
c is the epidermis, d is the dermis, and e is the hypodermis
Where are apocrine sweat glands found and what kind of gland are they?
Armpits and pubic region, they are merocrine glands
What is the major functions of the sweat glands?
In relation to bone, what are: meatus, foramen, and process?
meatus:a passage , Foramen:an opening, process:a projection on a bone
Do all hair cells contain keratin?
All differentiated hair cells have keratin, the matrix is made up of a mass of undifferentiated cells which have no keratin.
What are lines of cleavage?
Where the collagen fibers in the dermis are lined up.
What does costal refer to?
relating to the ribs costal cartilage, intercostal spaces,
What is Hemopoiesis?
the process of manufacturing blood cells, and platelets. it occurs in the bone marrow
What is a suture? (in relation to bones)
a junction between the flat bones of the skull
What is the opposite of superficial?
The opposite of superficial is deep. Skin is superficial to muscle, bones are deeper than muscle
What is superficial?
a directional term that indicates one structure is located more externally than another, or closer to the surface of the body
What is the appendicular skeleton?
The portion of the skeleton that attaches to the axial skeleton and has limbs attached
What is the axial skeleton?
the portion of the skeleton that supports and protects the head neck and trunk.