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Review David and the Great Detective

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why Zadie and Holly are important in the story? What do they do?
They help David in the school and in the old factory.
Where was The red-haired boy and his gang?
They were at the old factory
Tell me an event that happens at the end of the story
Tell me an event that happens in the middle of the story
Tell me an event that happens in the beginning of the story
Thanks :)
Does Jack get back his bike?
Yes, he does.
True or False: Mr Johnson is David's teacher (math teacher)
True or False: David and David Delgado aren't the same person.
Why is David's mom angry at him?
Because he's dirty and late.
True or False: The red-haired boy and David go to the same school.
What does David's mom do?
She's a nurse. She works in a hospital.
Who is David Delgado?
He's a detective.
True or False: David and Jack are friends.
What's the date and season of the year?
June 21st - summer
What day is in the story?