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USH A Unit 12 Review

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Muckrackers exposed horrible working conditions and other social ills during the early 20th century. True or False?
A primary goal of the Progressive Movement was for the federal gov't to remain out of economic and business affairs. True or False?
False - wanted regulations to ensure economy could benefit all not just elite.
This African American leader suggested African Americans focus on economics rather than civil rights. Booker T. Washington or Marcus Garvey?
Booker T. Washington
Recall is when citizens are allowed to directly vote on whether to accept or reject a proposed law. True or False?
False - referendum
This African American leader founded the Niagara Movement, later becoming the NAACP. W.E.B Dubois or Marcus Garvey?
W.E.B DuBois
Who founded the Hull House? Jane Addams or Susan B. Anthony?
Jane Addams
Which muckracker influenced regulation of the meatpacking industry with the book The Jungle? Ida Tarbell or Upton Sinclair?
Upton Sinclair
Women's suffrage and political machine elimination were two main contributions by women during the Progressive era. True or False?
False - child labor regulations and women's suffrage
"Separate but equal" doctrine was established with the Plessy v. Ferguson verdict. True or False?
Immigration and and working conditions are two main issues of the Progressive movement. True or False?
Which is the primary goal of the Conservation movement? protect natural resources or regulate the railroads running across the west?
protect natural resources
Racial discrimination or unsafe working conditions were considered a cause of the labor movement.
unsafe working conditions