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Phrases and Clauses as modifiers

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Playing with his hair, Luke sighed and reached for the hairspray.
Participle phrase- "playing with his hair"
The toy train that he got for Christmas fell apart as soon as he played with it.
Relative Adjective Clauses "that he got for Christmas" Adv clause "as soon as he played with it."
Diane, eyes sparkling, presented the gift to her granddaughter.
Noun absolute- "eyes sparkling"
Fists clenched, he stomped toward the red-faced bully.
Noun absolute- "fists clenched"
Elise, a most beautiful baby, will be three months old next week.
Appositive phrase- a most beautiful baby
Emma, who just graduated, got her first job at the boutique.
Relative clause (Adjective)- "Who just graduated"
Playing hide and go seek, the child hid behind the couch.
Participle phrase- "playing hide and go seek" and Prepositional phrase- "behind the couch"
She is the best friend who ever lived.
Relative clause (Adjective)- "who ever lived"
Police are searching for the criminal who escaped from the prison.
Relative clause (Adjective)- "who escaped from the prison"
You are telling me a story that you have told me before.
Relative clause (adjective)- "that you have told me before"
A devoted father, Larry has five daughters.
Noun appositive phrase- A devoted father
He plucked some apples from his neighbor's tree.
Prepositional phrase (Adverb)- "from his neighbor's tree"
Brian's teammates, who were bigger than him, nominated him to serve as the tennis team captain.
Relative clause (adjective)- "Who were bigger than him"
The flyer, blowing in the wind, advertised several dog walking opportunities in our neighborhood.
Participle phrase- blowing in the wind
Smiling and beaming, my grandmother gave me a tender kiss.
Participle phrase- "smiling and beaming"
With reluctance, Jamar bought new sunglasses for his vacation next week.
Prepositional phrase (Adverb)- "with reluctance"
Michele, strong and athletic, joined the Stanford University rowing team.
Adjectives phrase out of order- "strong and athletic"
I'd like to join the photography club which meets every Friday after school.
Relative Adjective Clause- "which meets every Friday after school"
Mia and Brett stayed up late and went to the roof, covered in vines, to watch the meteor shower.
Participle phrase- covered in vines.
The study group, an elite group, met in the library after school.
Appositive phrase-- an elite group