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The products of photosynthesis are ______ and ________
oxygen, C6H12O6/glucose/sugar
the reactants for photosynthesis are _____, _____, and ______
carbon dioxide, water, energy/sunlight
What is the max absorption wavelength for chlorophyll b?
392nm (blue region) or 626nm (red region)
What is the max absorption wavelength for chlorophyll a?
642nm (red region) or 372nm (blue region)
There are 8 steps in linear electron flow: The first step is.....
A photon hits a pigment in a light-harvesting complex of PS II and passes its energy among pigment molecules
Which photosystem functions first?
photosystem II
Photosytems are made of ______ complexes and a ______ complex
light reaction, reaction-center
_______ in the thylakoid membrane help shuttle electrons to help in the production of ATP (hint: there are 2 of them)
What wavelength of light do carotenoids absorb?
What is the difference between Carotenoids, xanthophyll, and chlorphyll
The wavelength of light they absorb and the color pigment they produce
_______ is oxidized in the photosynthesis equation
Water (H2O)
_____ is reduced in the photosynthesis quation
Carbon dioxide (CO2)
What occurs in the thylakoid?
Chlorophyll found in here, the site of the light-dependent photosynthesis reactions
Is photosynthesis exergonic or endergonic?
What type of reaction is photosynthesis?
Oxidation-Reaction (Redox)
What central role does chlorophyll play?
Converts solar energy to chemical energy
Chlorophyll is found inside what organelle?
How many carbon dioxide molecules does it take to carry out the balanced photosynthesis equation?