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Crispin: The Cross of Lead

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What did Father Quinel reveal to Crispin about his mother?
She could read and write
What happens to John Aycliffe at the end of the story?
He is killed when he is impaled on his soldier's swords
Why did Crispin sneak into Lord Furnival's palace?
to rescue Bear
What was Crispin falsely accused of doing?
Stealing from the manor house and killing Father Quinel
What happened to the cottage where Crispin and his mother lived in Stromford?
It was burned to the ground
What did Crispin do when the pie fell on the floor?
He shoved it in his mouth and ate it.
What instrument did Bear teach Crispin to play?
The recorder
Who was the King of England during the time period of this story?
King Edward III
Who is the author of the novel: Crispin: The Cross of Lead?
What item of Bear's did Crispin lose when he was escaping from Aycliffe's soldiers?
his dagger
What did Bear have hanging from his hat?
How old is Crispin in this story?
13 or 14
What year does this story take place?
Who gave Crispin food to take with him when he fled from the village?
Goodwife Peregrine
What was the name of the man who brought the news of Lord Furnival's impending death to John Aycliffe?
Richard DuBrey
Where did Crispin keep the Cross of Lead?
In a pouch around his neck
What color were Bear's pants?
red and blue
Why could Crispin be killed on sight?
He was declared a wolf's head
How did Bear and Crispin get past the guards at the gates of Great Wexly?
They distracted them with their singing and dancing.
Where did Crispin run into John Ayecliffe in Great Wexly?
at the church
What is the name of the tavern where the secret meeting was to take place?
The Green Man Tavern
Who did Bear tease by stealing his mazer while Bear was juggling in Lodgecot?
The one-eyed man
What was the name of the woman who runs the Green Man tavern?
Widow Daventry
What is the name of the man leading the serf's rebellion?
John Ball
What is "The Great Mortality"?
The Black Plague
What did it say on the Cross of Lead?
"Crispin, son of Furnival"
What kind of meat did Bear cook for Crispin which Crispin thoroughly enjoyed?
Where did Crispin first meet Bear?
In an abandoned church
What is the name of the city where Bear took Crispin?
Great Wexly
What is the color of Bear's beard?
Flaming red
What was Bear's occupation?
Jester and secret spy
What was the name of the priest in Stromford Village?
Father Quinel
Who is Crispin's father?
Lord Furnival
What was Crispin's mother's name?
What was the first name of the steward of Stromford Village?
What is the name of the village where Crispin was from?
Stromford Village