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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Identify if the main verb is transitive or intransitive : She was crying all day long
identify if the main verb in the following sentence is transitive or intransitive:Arinna skipped grammar yesterday.
Read this sentence, and identify if the verb is transitive or intransitve :They twinned the highway recently.
What is an intransitive verb?
It's a verb that does not require an object to act upon.
What is a transitive verb?
It's a verb that requires an object to receive the action. 
True or false: An adverb of degree tells us the intensity or degree of an action.
True or false: An adverb of manner tells you how something happens.
Read the sentence and identify the type of adverb. Katy sings beautifully.
beautifully: manner
Examples of interjections:
wow, yikes, huh, ugh, aww, ewww, really, oops, meh.
What is an interjection?
An interjection is a part of speech that demonstrates the emotion or feeling...
Tell me a sentence using a coordinating conjunction
I like pizza, but I prefer salad.
When do you use either or?
We use either -or to indicate that there are two possibilities/alternatives
When do you use neither nor?
To deny 2 things
neither- nor is a correlative conjuntion or a coordinating conjunction?
correlative conjunction
Fanboys are correlative or coordinating conjunctions?
coordinating conjunctions
Types of conjunctions?
correlative conjunctions, coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjuctions.,
What is a conjunction?
These are words used to connect words, phrases, clauses.
examples of prepositions:
before, from, between, inside, above, in, on, off, among.
What is a preposition? Use your own words
It's a word that shows relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence. Prepostions are connecting words, they act like bridges.
read the sentence: That map of the world was brilliantly painted. which is the adverb?
mention an adverb of time
today, tomorrow, yesterday, monthly, sometimes, usually, never.
mention a adverb of place
here, there, outside, inside, somewhere
mention a adverb of degree
Almost, nearly, quite, just, too, enough,  very, extremely.
mention an adverb of manner
mention the types of adverbs
manner, degree, time, place
Which is the verb phrase in the following sentence: You may have heard of the youth workshops at the Wang Center.
may have heard
What is a verb phrase?
A verbs phrase consists of the main verb and its helping verbs.
Which words are being modified by adjectives : The small plane made several attempts to land safely.
plane, attempts.
Which are the adjectives in the following sentence: The small plane made several attempts to land safely.
small, several
Mention 5 adjectives
green, dark, interesting, tall, beautiful
What is an adjective?
An adjective is a word that tells us more about a noun. It "describes" or "modifies" a noun.