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Let and be allowed to

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My grandma ____________-( not/ me/ use) her make up!
doesn't let me use
______________(you/ come) to the trip with us?
Are you allowed to come
____________(not/ him/ say) bad things about you!
Don't let him say
Sorry but you ______________(not/ ride) your bike here
aren't allowed to ride
My parents _________( not/ me/ go) to concerts
don't let me go
Shhhhhh! You ___________( not/ talk) in the library!
aren't allowed to talk
_____________( your sister /use) the car at weekends?
Is your sister allowed to use
________________ ( your mum/ you stay up) late at weekends?
Does your mum let you stay up
My parents _____________( me/ not/ go out) with my friends if I don't pass a test.
don't let me go out
My mother ________________(me/ help) her cooking
lets me help
In Arizona you ______________(get) a tattoo when you are 14.
are allowed to get
_____________________(you/ drive) a car when you are 16 in your country?
Are you allowed to drive
________________(you/ your friends/help) you when you have a problem?
Do you let your friends help
I______________(my cat/ sleep) in my bed!
don't let my cat sleep
Don't take photos in this museum! You _______________( not take) photos inside.
aren't allowed to take
Our teachers __________________ (us/ not/ use) the phone in class.
don't let us use
In Argentina you ________________ (vote) when you are 16 years old.
are allowed to vote