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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is Justin Bieber a dancer?
No, he isn´t.
Correct the mistake: Wayne and John Rooney are from England.
Wayne and John Rooney are from The USA.
Is Olivia Rodrigo American?
Yes, she is.
Is Ronaldo Brazilian?
No, he isn´t.
Is Neymar Portuguese?
No, he isn´t.
Is Lali Esposito 30 years old?
Yes, she is.
Are Mau and Ricky Montaner 20 years old?
No, they aren´t.
Correct the mistake. Shakira is Venezuelan.
Shakira isn´t Venezuelan.
Make a sentence using "aren´t"
Make a sentence using "isn´t"
Make a sentence using "am not"
Bart Simpson is Lissa and Maggie´s .......
Homer and Marge Simpson are Bart, Lissa and Maggie´s ...........
My mother´s mother is my.....
Correct the mistake. Manu Ginobili is a soccer player.
Manu Ginobili isn´t a soccer player.
Correct the mistake. Lissa and Maggie Simpson are sisters. Maggie is her brother.
Maggie is her sister.
Correct the mistake. Robert Downey Jr is a singer.
Robert Downey Jr is an actor.
Is J.K. Rowling an actor?
No, she isn´t.
Correct the mistake. Tevez is a tennis player.
soccer player
This person is at the hospital. He/she helps people. Who is it?