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Relative clauses

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The professor who is teaching biology will leave the university.
The professor, teaching biology, will leave the university.
The man who lives near my home walks to work every day.
The man, living near my home, walks to work every day.
Yesterday I read a book which was written by Hemingway.
Yesterday I read a book written by Hemingway.
The girl who is sitting next to me is my classmate.
The girl, sitting next to me, is my classmate.
The TV is on the table. It’s broken.
The TV, standing on the table, is broken.
The dog is playing with mine. It’s my friend’s.
The dog, playing with mine, is my friend’s.
Irene is a student. She is working her way through college.
Irene is a student working her way through college.
The people are at the beach. They listen to the same music as me.
The people, listening to the same music as me, are at the beach.
The man is drinking tea. He’s my English teacher.
The man, drinking tea, is my English teacher.
I don’t think she’s the same woman that we spoke to on the phone.
I don’t think she’s the same woman we spoke to on the phone.
That’s where we first met.
Where’s the passport that he left on the table?
Where’s the passport he left on the table?
The park, which used to be a car park, is great for the neighbourhood.
The pilot who saved the plane is a hero.