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Human Rights

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What is 1 human rights abuse from World War II?
segregated military, Japanese American interment, the Holocaust, Star of David (religious rights)
What war was the United Nations created after?
World War II
What is the United Nations (UN)?
Created in 1945 with the hope to prevent another world war; work for peace, dignity, and equality on a healthy planet
What is a Non-Government Organization (NGO)?
group with a social mission that does not work for the government; they protect human rights
What are human rights?
rights we have simply because we exist as human beings
Name 1 "law" human right.
right to fair/speedy trial, equal under law, protest, safe working conditions
Name 1 "freedom from" human right. Remember, freedom from means we do not want to have it.
racism/discrimination, enslavement/torture, police brutality/imprisonment
Name 1 "freedom of" human right. Remember, freedom of means we want to have it.
movement, religion, privacy, opinion/thought
Name 2 basic human rights.
life, health, marry anyone, education, vote, food, work