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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It is a type of soil that is rich in organic minerals/a mixture of sand, silt and gray.
TRUE/FALSE: You don't need a complete set of tools to be able to carry out all nursery activities properly.
You can demand a good _______in selling good quality of plants.
There is more ________ gained when you have more harvest and plants are of the best kind.
TRUE/FALSE; Different Plants need different types of soil.
It is used for for smoothening the soil and gathering together loose leaves, hay or straw.
Used in watering the plants.
Water Sprinkler
It is a brod or scoop attached to a handle. Used to dig, lift and throw loose matter.
It is a tool or equipment used for cutting tall grasses and branches of the trees.
Give only one requirement in putting up a nursery for Propagating trees and fruit trees
Location/Site/Soil Type/Shed/Storage/Boxes/Pots/
Used for digging hole and planting seedlings.
It is a process of reproducing or creating a new plant or seedlings.
Plant Propagation/PROPAGATION
It a place where seedlings are raised for planting purposes.