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Give the Past form and translation

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm very tired because I ................... (run) a marathon yesterday
I'm very tired because I ran a marathon yesterday.
swam (плавал)
won (выиграл)
These babies ____ (cry) a lot
These babies cried a lot
She ____ (think) about it
She thought about it
became (стал)
flew (летел)
The police ___ (not find) the thief
The police didn't find the thief
Last Monday he ___ (sleep) until 8am
Last Monday he slept until 8am
She ____ (watch) football
She watched football
drove (вел машину)
His son ______ (write) a poem
His son wrote a poem
They _____ (not remember) the address
They didn't remember the address
cost (стоить)
He _____ (break) his arm
He broke his arm
I ____ (ba) alone at home when somebody _____ (call) me
I was alone at home when somebody called me
Columbus _______ (discover) America in 1492
Columbus discovered America in 1492.
The waiter ______ (bring) the menu and the wine list
The waiter brought the menu and the wine list
lost (терять)
I______(understand) you, could you repeat?
I didn't understand you, could you repeat?
We_____ (celebrate) our 20th wedding anniversary last year
We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary last year