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Technology of the future

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give some advice about watching TV
You shouldn't watch too much TV and when you do, you should try to consume healthy and informative content
What's changing with the internet?
The internet speed is becoming faster and the amount of information online keeps increasing every day.
What's changing with cameras?
Camera are getting better, more powerful and at the same time smaller and more compact.
What are content words? (5 things)
Includes: Nouns, adverbs, main verbs, adjectives and question words.
Agree or disagree: People had better not share their personal information online
Agree or disagree: People shouldn't use their cellphones while they're doing things with their families or friends.
What percentage or garbage does Mr. Trash wheel collect?
It collects 90 percent of the garbage in the river
What is 1 way the internet is used to use or promote Mr. Trash wheel?
name 3 components (parts) of Mr. Trash wheel
Waterwheel, solar panels and rotating forks
How can people see what Mr Trash Wheel is doing?
Through a live internet feed on it's social media accounts
What 2 types of renewable energy does it use?
water and solar power.
What does it do?
It cleans garbage from the river to try and stop pollution.
What's this guys name?
Mr. Trash Wheel