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Road safety - Australia
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do I do if the path is too crowded?
...do you feel safe, can you wait, do you need help...
Who should go first with driveways?
always give way to cars or wait for them to stop completely
I need help - who do I call?
how big is the problem - do I need parents or is it an emergency
What if I get lost?
...look for things you know, where did you come from, where should you be, do you need help...
Can I pat the dog?
Always safer to not touch an animal you don't know
If someone else crosses when the light is red, does that me I can too?
No, always wait for the light to turn green before crossing
If the light is green, can I cross
Always look both ways first
What if a stranger wants to talk to me?
Usual stranger danger
What should I do if it starts raining?
do you have a raincoat, are you closer to home or school, is it safe to keep riding...
What do I do if my bike breaks down?
...are you closer to home or school, can you walk the bike, do you need help where you are...
What do I do if I feel unsafe?
...do I need to call someone, do I need to ask for help, is it an emergency, can I get away then get help...
What does this crossing mean?
Pedestrian crossing is where people can more safely cross the road, but I still need to check that there are no cars, or all cars have stopped
What does this sign mean?
Stop and wait for a red, finish crossing safely for an orange, look and go for a green
What does this sign mean?
Stop before the road and check for traffic