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The Enlightenment

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The Spanish Succession War led to the beginning of what new Dynasty.
The Bourbon Dynasty
The War of Spanish succession lasted from ___ to ___
1700 to 1714
Traditional production methods were replaced by...
manufacturers and the "domestic system".
What happened to Europe's population between 1650 and 1800?
It doubled
What part of the Third Estate was most responsible for change in the economy?
The bourgeoisie
Name the three estates of the Ancien Regime.
The clergy, the nobility, and the ordinary people (the third estate)
What was the main economy of the Ancien Regime?
A forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.
God as the absent clockmaker who started things but does not participate in daily life of humans.
An 18th century intellectual movement that emphasized science and reason as guides to help see the world more clearly.
The Enlightenment
He is best known for his work as the chief contributor and editor of the Encyclopedie
What role did the invention of the Printing press play in the Enlightenment?
mass printing = more people reading = more people thinking
Who won the French and Indian War?
Britain and the Colonists
What event cause Britain to go into debt in the mid 1700's?
The French and Indian War
In terms of the Enlightenment, what is a salon?
A social gathering to discuss Enlightenment ideas.
What country did Catherine the Great rule?
What did the American Revolution inspire?
The French Revolution
What US Document game protection to rights such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press?
Bill of Rights
The Declaration of Independence builds on the democratic principles of "this" English document which limited the power of the sovereign.
Magna Carta
Why did colonists resist being taxed? (HINT: Taxation without __________)
Their voices were not represented/no seat in Parliament
What was the spark that led to the American Revolution?
This is the term for "rights to life, liberty, and property"
Natural Rights
What governemntal legacy did Rousseau leave behind?
Social contract, popular sovereignty
What governmental legacy did Montesquieu leave behind?
Separation of Power, independant judicial system
What legacy did Voltaire leave behind?
Freedom of Speech, limited monarchy, tolerance
Which two countries led the way in exploration and expanding their empires?
Spain and Portugal
What is a belief or custom handed down through generations?
What was the Columbian Exchange or Triangle Trade?
It was an exchange of goods, ideas, and diseases between the Western Hemisphere and the Eastern Hemisphere.
Why did the Pilgrims come and settle?
They were looking for religious freedom.
Why did European traders bring men and women from Africa?
To do the hard work on planations
A person who is ____________ is not free.
What was the first colony settled by the English?
Jamestown, Virginia
A settlement ruled by another country.
A colony
What were Columbus and other explorers looking for when they happened upon the Americas?
A route to Asia
A person who studies artifacts and sites to learn about ancient people.
Who are people who study the past?
The __________ formed the majority of the population, whose situation was very precarious in society.
When monarchs increased the taxes of peasants and bourgeoisie, violent ___________ broke out during times of bad harvests.
In the 17th century, the route to the Americas was constantly under threat from ________ and smugglers.
The expulsion of the ________ in 1609 had a very negative effect on Spain's agriculture.
During the agriculture crisis in Spain, ____________ are people from a low social class who manage to survive by deceiving and cheating others.
The House of _________ represented the bourgeoisie.
A ___________ monarchy is when the king's power was restricted and the country was governed by parliament.
parliamentary or constitutional
Fance became the main example of an absolute monarchy under King ____________.
Louis XIV
________ monarchy is when all the power was held by the King.