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Classification of appetizer according to their i ...

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These are a variety of appetizers wherein the only requirement is that you keep everything small enough to be picked up with the fingers and eaten with little mess.
Finger foods
These are the simplest appetizers.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
These are crisps served with dip. It may be potato chips, crackers, and raw vegetables accompanied by an appropriate dip.
Chips and Dips
These are salads that are generally served in small quantities.
Petite Salads
These are pickled items consisting of raw, crisp sliced vegetables such as carrot sticks typically dipped in vinaigrette.
It refers to small portions savory dish.
Hors D’ Oeuvres
These are small pieces of bread, toast or crackers spread or topped with a highly seasoned food mixture.
These are usually fruit/vegetable juices such as lemonade or tomato juice mixed with alcohol and is served cold.