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The World Family Cup

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the dot above the letter 'i' called?
A tittle
Which bird can sleep while it flies?
The frigate bird
How many borders does the country with the most borders have?
China has 14 borders with neighboring countries.
Which Disney Character has the highest kill count?
How long is a Jiffy?
One trillionth of a second
What is Pogonophobia?
The fear of beards?
A bloat.
Which letter doesn't appear in numbers until the number 1000?
Which soda company owns the most submarines?
In the early 90s Pepsi owned 17 submarines, a cruiser, a frigate, and a destroyer. A deal with the Soviet Union where they exchanged soda for military equipmen
Which American president was also a wrestling championship winner?
Abraham Lincoln
What did Pope Gregory IV wage a war against in the 13th century?
How long is the longest usable golf club?
The longest usable golf club measures 15.57 meters
How tall is the tallest hat in the world?
4,8m tall.
What is the height of the shortest horse in the world?
Half a meter tall.
What is the world record for opening the most number of cans in one minute by a parrot?
35 cans
How many toothpicks did the world record holder fit into his beard?