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What was one thing African American legislators accomplished during the years of Radical Reconstruction?
Universal public schooling; built orphanages and railroads, worked with poor white Southerners, etc.
How did the Election of 1876 bring an end to Reconstruction?
Resulted in Compromise of 1877. Democrats accept Hayes as President if Republicans pull troops from South.
What was the purpose of the Ku Klux Klan?
To restore white supremacy through violence, intimidation, and harassment of African Americans.
Give an example of a black code.
Discriminatory laws that restricted African Americans' lives. Answers may vary.
Explain sharecropping
Landowners give farm workers land, seeds, and tools in return for a part of the crops they grow.
What did the Freedmen's Bureau do? List two things.
helped slaves after the Civil War, provided food, clothing, health care, education
Define carpetbagger
a Northerner who moved to the South after the Civil War
Define scalawag
a white Southerner who joined the Republican party after the Civil War
What were three requirements of President Johnson's Plan for Reconstruction?
Lenient on South, ratify 13th Amendment, repudiate secession, cancel war debts, oath of loyalty, pardons for wealthy by application
What were three characteristics of Radical Reconstruction?
Punish South, military rule, ratify 13-15th amendments, Confederates excluded, all males participate in govt.
What were the two big unresolved questions after the Civil War?
How to treat South / How to integrate former slaves
Explain the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments.
end slavery, birthright citizenship and  equal protection, universal male suffrage