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During the presentation was mentioned another Tool, which was? And what's it about?
The frame problem tool
_________ helps us to work with this tool.
Related to the presentation: Why do you think the word "egg" is emphasized ?
She wanted to have her son focused in the word, so he would not forget it.
Related to the presentation: What do you think the mother tries to do with the whole set of utterances?
Maybe she is trying to teach him how to read certain vocabulary using a knowledge the kind has.
Context: A converation between friends during a walk...Friend: Look! Look! That person looks exactly like my mom!!
She is making a person to look where she/he is pointing at.
Context: A boy writing a letter to Santa Claus... A kid: Santa, I hope this year you bring me a motorcycle! The bigger you you find!
He is using the language to make a request something specific to Santa claus.
Context: Silbings camping out...Sister: DON´T MOVE! YOU HAVE A SPIDER ON YOUR HEAD!!!!!!
She is warned her sister to not move,because it is dargerous. She can even be bitten by it.
Context: A conversation between a mother and her son, it happens on his room...Mom: OMG! It is a compleate mess!!!, I can't even walk through your room!!
Her goal by saying it is to presuade her son to clean his room, as soon as possible.
Context: A friends' meeting...Evelyn: Have you ever heard any EXO songs? All of them are cool.
She is trying to make her friend to heard EXO songs, by giving a personal point of view.
Context: Whatsapp conversation between a couple....Kevin: I promise to be there at 8 o'clock, because it is our first date.
He is assuring through a promise that he is so sure that he will be there on time.
Context: School...Teacher: The exam is TOO near. Do you remember your marks in the last exam? It would be BEST if you improved this time.
He is prompting you to study more, and get better results this time. By making you remember a past fact of your education.