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Early school leaving prevention

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do geese suggest leadership to be like in a team?
Geese suggest that leadership is shared inside a team!
How can we address a student who always interrupts you?
Good catch!
What are the main characteristics of active listening?
Good catch!
An active listener thinks about how to reply while the other is speaking. True or false?
Faalse! That's passive listening.
Can you explain in your own words the meaning of empathy?
Good catch!
Name one of the Goleman's pillars of Socio emotional intellignence.
Self-awareness, Self-control, Self-motivation, Empathy, Social skills
Using a fixed mindset will encourage face to a struggle. True or false?
False. Fixed mindset usually normalize a struggle ("You can't do anything about that!"). Use a growth mindset to encourage face to a struggle.
Using a growth mindset will praise the process, not the person. True or false?
True. A growth mindest praises the effort!
Sara used 2 papers to create the Mysterious Structure Challenge. True or false?
Faaalse! ;)
It's better to act like a shark if you care about relationships
Noooo! Acting like a sharks makes you focus on the objective and not on the relationship
What conflict management style is represented by the Turtle?
What conflict management style is represented by the Teddy Bear?
What conflict management style is represented by the Shark?