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Past simple (regular and irregular verbs)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____he __________(ask) the police officer for help?
Did he ask the police officer for help?
Last night Kate (not stay) in the hotel. She (make) her way out of the hotel at 10
Last night Kate didn´t stay in the hotel. She made her way out of the hotel at 10
Last night they (follow) the boy. Then they (buy) some snacks
Last night they followed the boy. Then they bought some snacks
The boy (listen) to that song yesterday. Then he (sing) the song
The boy listened to that song yesterday. Then he sang the song
Kelly (show) the boy a photo of Toto.. She (have) that photo since she was 7
Kelly showed the boy a photo of Toto.. She had that photo since she was 7
You (break) your sister´s toy when you (be) 5 years old
You broke your sister´s toy when you were 5 years old
I (be) 8 years old when I (do) karate
I was 8 years old when I did karate
He (know) everything about that new serie
He knew everything about that new serie
My father was a good cook. He (make) a delicious cakes!
My father was a good cook. He made a delicious cakes!
You (write) a funny letter about your Africa´s trip
You wrote a funny letter about your Africa´s trip
I usually (swim) with my sister when I (be) 3 years old
I usually swam with my sister when I (be) 3 years old
Her mother (sit) next to her best friend at the meeting
Her mother sat next to her best friend at the meeting
My cousin (sing) so well that she participated in a TV talent show
My cousin sang so well that she participated in a TV talent show
The cat (run) after my neighbour´s hamster
The cat ran after my neighbour´s hamster
she (do) her homework at home?
Did she do her homework at home?
She (feel) sick so she (go) to her house
She felt sick so she went to her house
He (not drink) orange juice because he hates it!
He didn´t drink orange juice because he hates it!
She (go) to visit her elder brother on Saturday
She went to visit her elder brother on Saturday
My grandmother (buy) me a new jacket the week before
My grandmother bought me a new jacket the week before
I (eat) strawberries every weekend
I ate strawberries every weekend