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3rd Grade ELD

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When you observe something, what are you doing?
What does an inventor do?
Create things, make new things
What do you imagine when you daydream?
How is a haiku arranged?
Three lines with 5,7,5 Syllables.
Do poems need to rhyme?
No, many do but they do not need to rhyme.
How are poems arranged?
By lines and stanzas
How do you use a map?
You can use a map to find where to go.
How to people figure things out that they don't know?
Ask for help, research, trial and error
What makes you nervous?
What does it mean if something is temporary?
It is not permanent, only there for a short time
What do you do when you donate something?
You give it away
Describe a good leader.
They listen, they give direction, they help, they want what is best, they are supportive.
Is historical fiction a true story or a made-up one?
Fiction with historically accurate details.
Is historical fiction a true story or a made-up one?
Fiction with historically accurate details.
What do Jackie Robinson and Roberto Clemente have in common?
They were both professional baseball players who were trailblazers for diversity.
Why do people immigrate?
Many reasons, better life, live near family, work, opportunity
What make someone an immigrant?
They move to a new country.
What was the nick name for the people who searched for gold during the gold rush?
49ers, because they came in the year 1849
Is a moment a long or short period of time?
A short period of time
What is an opportunity?
It is a change for something to happen
What does it mean to inspect something?
To look closely at something
What is a voyage?
A trip, usually by boat
Is historical fiction a true story or a made up story?
It is fiction, made up, but has historical features
What does it mean to immigrate?
To move to a new country
Why is it important to be able to work with others?
In the folktale, Anansi Learns a Lesson, what is the lesson he learns?
Not to be greedy, treat others with respect
In a folktale, do we know who the original author is?
No, they were passed down orally.
What is another word for created?
What does it mean to be awkward?
Not good, not coordinated.
If you are timid, how do you feel?
shy, unsure of yourself
Name an animal that might leave traces behind?
If something is massive is it large or small?
How do landmarks help us to understand our nations history?
It honors important people in our country's history.
How much did it cost to build Mount Rushmore?
1,000,000 dollars
What river carved the Grand Canyon?
The Colorado river
Name a national holiday.
Fourth of July
What is something that you can carve?
Wood, stone, butter
What is a landmark?
An important building, structure, or place
What is a monument?
A statue, building, or other object to honor someone or someplace
What state is Mount Rushmore located in?
South Dakota
Name two of the presidents on Mount Rushmore.
Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Roosevelt
How did drivers keep their windshields clean before windshield wipers were invented?
They used an onion to leave oil behind to create a barrier on the window.
Did Mary Anderson make money from her invention?
No, she had a patent but nobody bought her invention before the patent ran out.
What do you do when examine something?
Look closely at it, investigate
What does the word quality mean?
Of a high standard
Is a biography fiction or nonfiction?
What did Mary Anderson invent?
Windshield wipers
What is a tradition?
Something that you typically do at a certain time.
What have you been disappointed about?
What does it mean to have courage?
To be brave
What is something you celebrate?
What is pride?
To be proud of something, feel good about something.
Why do people use symbols?
They stand for something else. To communicate.
What is a dream catcher?
A Native American art that catches bad dreams and only lets good dreams occur.
What does it mean if something is precious?
It is special.
Where might a Native American share their culture with others?
A Pow Wow, on a reservation
What is a dream catcher?
A Native American art work that they believed catches bad dreams.
Why do people share their culture with others?
To preserve their culture and to teach others about their customs.
How is Bruno the bear and Jack the squirrel similar to the lion and mouse story?
Bruno and the lion both thought someone small could not help them.
What type of book is a fantasy?
Fiction, it would never happen
What does it mean to improve?
To get better at something
What does it mean to be satisfied?
You are content or pleased
Name someone who inspires you?
What does it mean to concentrate?
To focus on something
What is it called when you find something new that has never been seen before?
What does effort mean?
To work hard on something
What do you do when you have a tooth ache?
Go to the dentist
What does improved mean?
To make better
What is your teacher's name?
Mrs. Manecke