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The Roaring Twenties

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What famous novel features the American Dream?
"The Great Gatsby"
What American writer publisher her works at the famous U.S. magazine "The New Yorker"?
Dorothy Parker
What famous Spanish painter was friends with Gertrude Stein?
Pablo Picasso
Who wrote "The Sound and the Fury"? a) Hemingway b) Faulkner c) Parker d) Dos Passos
b) Faulker
In 1929, New York and thus the whole of the States experienced...
The Great Depression
Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Faulker or Steinbeck belonged to what literary group?
The Lost Generation
What industry started to become highly popular?
Film industry
What disturbing group re-emerged in the South?
The Ku Klux Klan
How was the 18th Amendment most commonly known?
Dry Law / Prohibition
Who was the most famous gangster in the U.S. over this decade?
Al Capone
What are these women called?
In 1920, the 19th Amendment meant...
women finally had the right to vote
What happened to the U.S.'s economy at the beginning of the decade?
It was prosperous
What event preceded the Roaring Twenties?
The Great War / First World War / WWI