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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How ______ islands are there in Greece?
many - There are 227 islands in Greece
How ______ days are there in a year?
many - There are 365 days in a year
How ______ participants are there in the tournament in "Squid Game"?
many - There are 456 participants
How _____ hearts does an octopus have?
many - An octopus has three hearts
How _____ time do you need to watch the trilogy of "Lord of the Rings"?
much - You need more than 11 hours.
How ______ seasons does Grey's Anatomy have?
many - Grey's Anatomy has 18 seasons (as of today!)
How ____ languages are spoken in London?
many - Over 250 languages are spoken in London
How _____ letters are there in the English alphabet?
many - 26 letters
How _____ players are in a football team (playing)?
many - Eleven players
How _____ potassium is there in a banana? (in milligrams)
much - Around 420 mg of potassium
How ______ people live in Estepona?
many - There are 67,012 people living in Estepona
How _____ states are there in the United States?
many - There are 50 states in the U.S
How _____ sugar is there in a Coca-Cola can?
much - There are 39 grams of sugar in a Coca-Cola can.
How ______ fighters are there in the video game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?
many - There are 86 fighters
How _____ water does the human body contain?
much - Up to 60% of the human adult body is water
How ______ plays did Shakespeare write?
many - Shakespeare wrote at least 38 plays (and more than 150 poems!)
How ______ does an elephant weigh?
much - An elephant weighs more than 4,000 kilograms
How _____ lives do cats have?
many - Cats only have one life! (but there's an English proverb that says that a cat has nine lives)
How _______ weeks are there in a year?
many - There are approximately 52 weeks in a year
How ______ countries are there in the world?
many - There are 195 countries in the world today.
How _________ money does Jeff Bezos have?
much - More than 186 billion dollars!